Music of the Spheres - World Tour SUSTAINABILITY

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    We acknowledge that, despite our best efforts,  the tour will still have a significant carbon footprint.  We pledge to drawdown significantly more emissions than the tour produces by supporting various nature projects around the world, focusing on reforestation, rewilding, conservation and soil regeneration.


    Working with One Tree Planted, we have supported 21 planting projects across 17 countries from ecosystem regeneration in the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil to revegetating Marna Banggara in Australia.

    Planting trees in areas that have been degraded or deforested has helped the environment by accelerating and assuring the re-establishment of healthy forests.

    One Tree Planted

    Examples of projects below:


    Soil health is critical to a healthy planet and we are supporting positive soil restoration projects that regenerate the land, promote biodiversity and sequester millions of tonnes of CO2.

    Biodiverse landscapes (such as ancient woodland) sequester up to 80% more CO2 because of the complex soil structure.  For this reason, we are avoiding mono-culture plantations.

    Food Forest Project
    The Sustainable Food Trust



    In addition to The Ocean Cleanup’s work, we are supporting ocean conservation and the protection of marine species, seagrass meadow restoration and management of seaweed blooms.

    The Ocean Cleanup
    Sea Shepherd
    Project Seagrass


    We are investing in projects that restore degraded and marginal land to its natural uncultivated state, thereby promoting biodiversity, capturing CO2 emissions and providing support for ecosystems such as natural flood defenses.  

    Project Quercus
    Farm Under the Radar


    We’re proud to support MyTrees Trust / Miti Yangu in Zimbabwe.  This community-led project will protect a vast new area of wilderness, support the regeneration of forest and provide a habitat for critically-threatened wildlife.

    My Trees Trust / Miti Yangu


    We are supporting the efforts of Captain Paul Watson Foundation to stop the damaging effects of overfishing and threats to marine wildlife, particularly whales and dolphins.

    Captain Paul Watson Foundation